Friday, June 13, 2014

सबैभन्दा ठूलो चराको बथान : पाँच लाख चरा एकै ठाम (फोटो फिचरसहित)

एकैठाउँमा कतिवटा सम्म चरा सँगै बस्न सक्लान् ? पाँच लाख । कस्तो पत्याउनै गाह्रो । बाँसको झ्याङमा डेढ दुइसय डांग्रे चरा एकैठाम बस्दा त कति कचिंगल गर्छन् भने पाँच-पाँच लाख चरा कसरी एकठाम बस्न सक्लान् ? तर स्कटल्याण्डको पूर्वी तटीय क्षेत्र बास रकमा विभिन्न प्रजातिका ५ लाख चराको बथान हेर्ने हो भने यस्तो असम्भव कुरा पनि सम्भव भएको देख्नुहुनेछ ।
प्रजनन समयमा त्यहाँ विभिन्न देश तथा ठाउँबाट विभिन्न प्रजातिका फिरन्ते चराहरु जम्मा हुने गर्छन् । त्यहाँ जम्मा हुने चरामध्ये डेढ लाखको संख्यामा त ग्यानेट जातका पानीचरा नै छन् ।
प्रजनन समय सुरु भैसकेको हुँदा त्यहाँ अब चरा जम्मा हुने क्रम सुरु भैसकेको छ । पिक समयमा त्यहाँ विभिन्न प्रजातिका ५ लाख भन्दा बढि जलपंक्षीहरु जम्मा हुन्छन् । समाचार अनुसार यो वर्ष ग्यानेट चराले बच्चा कोरल्न सुरु गरिसकेको छ र ग्यानेटका सेता चल्लाहरु देखिन थालिसकेका छन् ।
यो क्षेत्र जलपंक्षीको लागि विश्वको सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण सिमसार क्षेत्र मानिन्छ, अझ ग्यानेट चराको लागि त अद्धितीय । ज्वालामूखीबाट बनेको बास रक क्षेत्र करोडौँ वर्ष पहिलेको ज्वालामुखी अवशेष हो ।
Gannets fly around the top of Bass Rock, off the east coast of Scotland, while down below demand for space is so high among the light-coloured birds that the island almost appears to turn white
In-coming: Gannets appear in their tens of thousands as they make their way to Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth off the coast of Scotland, the largest single island gannet colony in the world. Many have already made the journey and nested high on the cliff tops
A sea of white: Space is at a premium on Bass Rock as thousands of birds use virtually every inch of land in what is a key breeding time for the species. By July numbers of gannets on the island could be up to 150,000
 Dozens of birds nest on the ground while others fly around the dramatic coastline of Bass Rock, the largest island colony of gannets in the world. Tens of thousands of the birds will populate the remote spot within weeks
 One of the many gannets is pictured close up at Bass Rock clasping a large bunch of seaweed in its beak before making its way back to its nest
Feathered friends: A pair of adult gannets are pictured close up with their white plumage. The birds are distinctively shaped with a long neck and with long pointed beaks, ideal for catching fish
 Thousands of gannets circle Bass Rock which has been uninhabited since 1988 when the last lighthouse keeper left. At its peak, the tiny island is home to some 500,000 seabirds including puffins, kittiwakes, guillemots, razorbills, fulmars, shags and terns
A gannet shows off the distinctive black tips at the end of its wings. Gannets are Britain's largest seabird - some have a wing span of more than 6ft and it is thought they can live for more than 30 years
Birds of a feather: Gannets usually return to the same mate and nest each year. At sea they flap and then glide low over the water, travelling in small groups
As night draws in gannets take a final swoop around a steep cliff face. They have such good eyesight that they can spot schools of fish below the surface of the water and dive at speeds of up to 62mph
In a flap: A gannet takes flight along with hundreds of others feeding around the island. They have a spectacular method of catching fish by flying high and circling before plunging into the sea at great speeds
Bass Rock, which lies in the Firth of Forth, was formed 320 million years ago and is the remains of one of many active volcanoes in the area. The area is now of international importance for seabirds
A close up of a gannet shows the stunning shade of blue surrounding its eye. The species is renowned for its superb eyesight, which it uses for spotting fish from great heights
It takes around five years for gannets to reach maturity and in the first year the birds are completely black. It is only later on that their plumage shows increasing amounts of white
There are around 220,000 nests in Britain, according to the RSPB, with  the biggest mainland colony at Bempton Cliffs in Yorkshire. Gannets breed in significant numbers, but only at a few localities


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