Tuesday, May 20, 2014

अचम्म ! मोटरसाइकलले यस्तो पनि बोक्छ ?

काठमाडौंका सडकहरुमा गाडीभन्दा मोटरसाइकल बढी गुड्छन् । गन्तव्य छिटो पुग्न सकिने र गाडीको तुलनामा कम मुल्य पर्ने भएकाले मोटरसाइकल मध्यम वर्गको रोजाइमा परेको पाइन्छ ।
मोटरसाइकल हलुका सामान बोक्न समेत प्रयोग हुने गरेको छ । तर, भिडनाममा भने मोटरसाइकलले हाम्रा ठूला ट्रकहरुले झै सामान बोक्छन । सन् १९९१ मा पहिलो पटक भियतनामको भ्रमण गरेका डच फोटोग्राफर हान्स केक्प भन्छन्-’मैले जे देखेँ, त्यसलाई विश्वास नै गर्न सकिन । मोटरसाइकलमा सिंगो परिवार थियो ।’
१९९५ मा हङकङबाट भियतनाम सरेका उनले मोटरसाइकलमा बडेबडेमानको भारी बोकेकोदेखि सिंगो परिवार चढेको तस्वीरहरु खिचेका छन् ।
No wasted space: Kemp first visited Vietnam in 1991, when he was living in Hong Kong. He was immediately struck by the locals unique way of transport
Looking: To capture the images, Kemp would go out scouting on the back of a Honda Super Cub
Race: When he would spot a particularly interesting bike, he would have the driver turn around and then capture the bike from high-speed while driving parallel
Bestseller: Kemp originally published Bikes of Burden in 2005, and it quickly became a popular photography book
Bestseller: Kemp originally published Bikes of Burden in 2005, and it quickly became a popular photography book
Updated: Kemp recently revisited Vietnam to take new pictures for a revised edition of Bikes of Burden
Alive and well: Revisiting the country, and seeing how many people still use motorbikes gave Kemp hope that this mode of transportation will last
The day's catch: A curious fish is stashed on the back of this motorbike
Concentration: A woman balances purchases as she sits on the back of her motorbike
On sale: Bikes of Burden is available for purchase on Amazon


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